Resolution of Sympathy from Deseret National Bank and Deseret Savings Bank, Salt Take City, Utah to the Thatcher Family on the death of Moses Thatcher, Sr., 1901 August 21
Scope and Contents
This collection contains the papers of Moses Thatcher Sr. and his family spanning the period of 1866 to 1923. This collection contains Moses Thatcher Sr.'s diaries (in photocopy form, original diaries are in the possession of Brigham Young University), correspondence, papers concerning his family, and other papers. His diaries document his missionary service in Great Britain from 1866 to 1868, his presidency of the Cache Stake from 1878 to 1881, his ordination as a Church apostle in 1879, and his work concerning the opening of the Mexican Mission for the Church and the beginnings of Church colonization in northern Mexico. Other items included are Thatcher's two correspondence letter books (1888-1890 and 1902-1903), a Memoranda Book (1879-1880) which contains information about his work in Mexico, and a family scrapbook. This collection also contains the missionary diaries of Moses Thatcher Jr. (in photocopy form) spanning the period of 1891-1892, Moses Thatcher Jr.'s papers concerning his studies at the Logan Brigham Young College, various biographical sketches, and other papers concerning family affairs. The Moses Thatcher Sr. family photo album was removed and has been reassigned as part of the Thatcher family photograph collection (P0036)
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich later donated a letter from Moses Thatcher in September 2011.
- Creation: 1901 August 21
Language of Materials
Collection materials are in English.
Open to public research.
From the Collection: 4 boxes (1.6 linear feet)
Repository Details
Part of the Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections & Archives Repository
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
3000 Old Main Hill
Logan Utah 84322-3000 United States
435 797-8248
435 797-2880 (Fax)