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Digital Photographs, Undated

 File — Box: 7
Identifier: SUB-SERIES B

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The media holdings of the Living Traditions of the Bear River Heritage Area project were assigned project identification letters and numbers in the field as follows:

From the Collection:
  1. Prefix:
  2. BR = Bear River
  3. Year: 03 (Only for the Idaho Fieldwork, which helps differentiate the two fieldwork projects: Utah/Idaho)
From the Collection:
  1. Fieldworkers:
  2. SB = Sarah Barsness
  3. LD = Lisa Duskin-Goede
  4. AG = Andrea Graham
  5. SH = Sally Haueter
  6. AJ = Andrew Jorgensen
  7. TL = Terry Livingston
  8. RP = Robin Parent
  9. ET = Elaine Thatcher
  10. MW = Michael Ward
  11. RW = Randy Williams
From the Collection:
  1. Media Format Codes:
  2. T=Cassettes Tape
  3. DAT=DAT Digital Tape
  4. B=Black and White Print Image/Film
  5. C=Color Print Images/Film
  6. D=Digital Color Images
  7. CD = Compact Disc
  8. F=Fieldnotes
From the Collection:
  1. Sequential number within each format, such as 1, 2, 3, etc.
From the Collection:
  1. Frame number for images:
  2. Sequential number of the frame (image/slide).
From the Collection:

The codes within each alpha-numeric identification are ordered in the following way: the prefix, the year (for the Idaho fieldwork), the fieldworker, the media type, the number within the group and for images the frame. For example, BR-SH-C-3:5 is the fifth frame on the third roll of color film that Sally Haueter took in Utah. BR-03-AG-T-13 is Andrea Graham's Idaho fieldwork, her 13th tape. The indices to the images on the CDs (digital duplicate photographs... of all the print versions) are listed first by the CD identification number, followed by the corresponding number to the print version (BR-AG-CD-1-15: BR-AG-C-2-10).

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  • Creation: Undated

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Collection materials are in English.


Open to public research. To access the collection a patron must have the following information: collection number, box number, folder number and item number. The materials do not circulate and are available in USU's Special Collections and Archives. Patrons must sign and comply with the USU Special Collections and Archives Use Agreement and Reproduction Order form as well as any restrictions placed by the collector or informant(s).

Permission to publish...
material from the living traditions of the Living Traditions of the Bear River Heritage Area survey collection must be obtained from the Curator of the Fife Folklore Archives and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

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From the Collection: 39 boxes (9.5 linear feet)

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Physical Description

(CDs) 39 items

Repository Details

Part of the Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections & Archives Repository

Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
3000 Old Main Hill
Logan Utah 84322-3000 United States
435 797-8248
435 797-2880 (Fax)