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Assorted talk and note cards, undated

 File — Box: 54

Scope and Contents

Subjects include: history of Utah Territory, Indians - Karl Malone, Mormon Economic, Recent Research on Utah, the Mormons, and West, Sanpete History, Religion and Econ., "The Valley Where We Live," Significance of Pioneer History, Cannon-Hinckley 1/15/74, Joseph Smith and Emma, Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith Letters, Joseph Smith Concern for Parents, Church History and Identity, United Order, Mormonism and Utopia, Joseph Fielding Smith, Joseph Smith Talk, Hyrum Smith, Historical Dept. Program, B.Y.U. Women, Church in California, Edmunds-Tucker, Mormons and the Arts, Leaders in Liberty Jail, Church History and Recent Forgery, Far East Conferences, School of Prophets, UofI Religion and Life, Repentance, Butler; God on Secular Campus, Guidelines to Happiness, Leadershipp, Obedience, Duties of Man, Proofs of God's Existence, Dead Sea Scrolls, Sects, Progress and Growth, Don't Die on Third, The Bible, My Thoughts on Religion, Conscience


  • Creation: undated

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Collection materials are in English.


From the Collection: 319.5 Linear Feet (739 boxes)

Repository Details

Part of the Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections & Archives Repository

Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
3000 Old Main Hill
Logan Utah 84322-3000 United States
435 797-8248
435 797-2880 (Fax)