WPA History of Grazing records
Scope and Contents
The files of the WPA History of Grazing were accessioned by the Special Collections and Archives department in February 1967 and October 1974 when a second portion, including virtually all of Chapter III, "The Westward Movement," was discovered in files otherwise devoted to Agricultural Experiment Station papers accessioned by University Archives.
Final processing has followed the pattern which we can assume to have been the Willison arrangement in December 1941. Individual state and general project materials have been filed separately. The different sections of the manuscript drafts are filed in the order that they were listed in the proposed outline as established in the circular of June 6, 1940. Though Willison had proposed to develop fourteen chapters for the final book, since the states submitted their individual histories based on the June 6, 1940 outline, he was compelled to put together the first drafts on a seven-chapter outline. *
The original order, numbering system, and section headings as outlined by the June 6, 1940 circular have been processed in the transfer from original folders. The collection is complete as it was transferred to the university with the exception of photographs from Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Texas, Washington, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Nevada, which have been transferred from the Manuscript Collection to the department's general photograph file where they comprise numbers A-0430 to A-0532.
*A close reading of the chapter contents shows that the expansion from seven to fourteen chapters was to be accomplished largely by subdivision of Chapter IV, "Boom Days on the Western Range, 1866-1886." All of the states, but especially Texas, submitted a major portion of their texts on this twenty-year period. The Texas history was to be almost exclusively used for Chapter IV, "The Mustang, Longhorn, and Merino," and Chapter VIII, "The Long Trail."
- Creation: 1680-1941
Language of Materials
Collection materials are in English.
Open to public research.
It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances.
Permission to publish material from the WPA History of Grazing records must be obtained from the Special Collections and Archives manuscript curator and/or the Special Collections and Archives department head.
17 boxes (7 linear feet)
Correspondence and historical articles (drafts and completed) accumulated during the creation of the "Utah Chapter" of the Work Projects Administration's (WPA) History of Grazing, in cooperation with the Grazing Service of the Department of the Interior. Project was intended as a historical companion volume to serial set #10005, "the western range," and included seventeen state histories focusing on western grazing, from the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 to 1941. Also includes correspondence concerning, and drafts of, the compiled work, edited by George F. Willison.
Arrangement chronologically within state.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Produced by WPA Federal Writer's Project, given to Utah Agricultural Experiment Station in 1941, transferred to USU Special Collections and Archives in 1967.
- Title
- Guide to the WPA History of Grazing records 1680-1941
- Author
- Finding aid created by Special Collections and Archives.
- Date
- ©2008
- Description rules
- Finding Aid Based On Dacs (Describing Archives: A Content Standard, 2nd Edition)
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
- Language of description note
- Finding guide is in English in Latin script.
- Sponsor
- Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008
Revision Statements
- 2009: Template information was updated to reflect Archives West best practice guidelines.
Repository Details
Part of the Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections & Archives Repository
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
3000 Old Main Hill
Logan Utah 84322-3000 United States
435 797-8248
435 797-2880 (Fax)