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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 2727

Wade Andrews photograph collection

Identifier: UUS_P0443

The Wade Andrews photograph collection mostly consists of aerial photographs of Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho including the Bear and Weber Rivers, as well as Pineview, Mantua, and Willard Reservoirs. Also included are images of recreational activities in Pineview and Willard Reservoirs, Peach Days, hydro plane races, and a few agriculture photos.

Dates: 1960-1980

Dolph Andrus photograph collection

Identifier: UUS_P0542

The Dolph Andrus photograph collection consists of 261 images, and some manuscript material, including a biographical reminiscence, relating to two trips Andrus took in 1917 to Monument Valley. These trips were for the purpose of photographing and promoting tourism in this area. Original nitrate negatives are kept in Cold Storage Box 68.

Dates: 1915-2009

Anna Elvera Carlson on USU Campus

Identifier: UUS_P0514

This collection contains 1 image.

Dates: 1919

Annual reports

Identifier: UUS_3.8:47

This collection contains highlights of the Annual reports

Dates: 1969-2024

Anti-litter campaign collection

Identifier: UUS_COLL MSS 104

The collection includes published reports and articles dealing with litter, recycling, and litter legislation; raw data research done at Kernville, California, and at other sites, including surveys taken regarding trash; and correspondence and photographs dealing with litter and environmental protection themes. Materials date from the late 1960s through the early 1980s.

Dates: 1960-1983

Architectural Design West PC papers

Identifier: UUS_ArchMss1
Abstract This collection includes 234 boxes of working papers and nearly 1,000 architectural drawings spanning the period 1892-2005. Most deal with projects in Utah and southern Idaho, but some cover projects in other Western states, particularly California. The drawings are arranged into series that reflect the original filing system used by Architectural Design West PC. Drawings are labeled with numbers 1000-5000 and 7000-9000 and are also listed alphabetically within these number ranges. The...
Dates: 1892-2005

Ariel Benson photograph collection.

Identifier: UUS_P0471

The Ariel Benson photograph collection consists of USU images (fraternities and sororities, ROTC, sports, the T.U.B., student clubs and groups), Richmond, Utah images including businesses, Boy Scouts, Black and White Days, the 1962 earthquake, and images from Sky View/North Cache High School including sports, class reunions, musicals, glee club, cheerleaders, band, and choir. Also included are numerous individual studio portraits and wedding images from Benson's private business.

Dates: 1948-1993

Arizona U.S. Geological Survey Topographic and Orthophotoquad Map Collection

Identifier: UUS_Gov006

The Arizona U.S. Geological Survey Topographic and Orthophotoquad Map Collection includes 2,100 maps mostly comprised of 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale, quadrangle, topographic maps that show both natural and manmade structures. The collection also includes Preliminary Editions and Provisional Editions of the 7.5-minute topographic maps, and Orthophotoquads which are 7.5-minute black and white photographs.

Dates: 1949 - 2005

Asa Wayne Arrington papers

Identifier: UUS_COLL MSS 409

The collection contains materials collected by A. Wayne Arrington about the Arrington family. Because this collection is unprocessed, please contact the Special Collections and Archives manuscript curator to view these materials.

Dates: 1950-2004

Leonard J. Arrington Papers

Identifier: UUS_LJAHA COLL 001

This collection consists of 13 different series which reflect his personal life, his professional career, and his research interests he conducted while a professor at Utah State University and Brigham Young University.

Dates: 1839-2013

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Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections & Archives 2722
Utah State University Eastern, Library & Learning Commons, Special Collections & Archives 5
Colleges and Universities 1555
Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) 145
Images 118
Utah 104
Correspondence 94
∨ more
Agriculture 78
Photographs 76
Logan 57
Water and Water Rights 57
City and Town Life 55
Literature 48
Diaries 47
Clubs and Societies 44
Home and Family 44
Folklore and Folklife 42
Military 42
Cache Valley 35
Oral Histories 35
Sports and Recreation 33
Folklore 32
Economics and Banking 30
Elementary and Secondary Education 30
Environmental Conditions 30
Expeditions and Adventure 29
Folklore--West (U.S.) 25
Environmental Activism 24
Pioneers 24
Retail Trade 24
Sound Recordings 24
Fisheries and Wildlife 23
Civic Activism 22
Folklore archives--Utah. 22
Railroads 22
Missionaries 20
Ranching 20
Scrapbooks 20
Fine Arts 18
Journalism 18
Logan (Utah)--History. 18
Music 18
Public Works 18
Texts 18
Religion 16
Salt Lake City 16
Architecture 15
Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) 15
Forestry and Logging 14
Performing Arts 14
Student Life 14
Cache Valley (Utah and Idaho)--History. 13
Maps 13
Outdoor recreation industry. 13
Outdoor recreation--Equipment and supplies. 13
Advertising and Marketing 12
Businesses and Corporations 12
Cache Valley (Utah and Idaho)--Photographs. 12
Medicine and Health 12
Overland Journeys to the Western United States 12
Political Campaigns 12
Protestantism 12
Anthropology 11
California 11
National Parks 11
Native Americans 11
Public Utilities 11
Transportation 11
College and Universities 10
Logan (Utah)--Photographs. 10
Media and Communication 10
College students--Utah--Logan--Photographs. 9
Mines and Mineral Resources 9
Mormonism 9
Technical Plans and Drawings 9
Civil Procedure and Courts 8
Folklore--Utah. 8
Mormon Church--History. 8
Outdoor recreation--Clothing trade. 8
Publishers and Publishing 8
Science 8
Technology 8
Yellowstone National Park--Photographs. 8
Cartes-de-visite. 7
Children and Youth 7
City Planning 7
Civil Rights 7
International Relations 7
Labor History 7
Land Use 7
Mormon missionaries--Diaries. 7
Negatives (photographic) 7
Politics and Politicians 7
Student activities--Utah--Logan--Photographs. 7
West (U.S.)--Photographs. 7
Authors, American--Utah. 6
Cache Valley (Utah and Idaho)--History--Photographs. 6
Idaho 6
Labor Unions 6
Language and Languages 6
Legends--United States. 6
Logan (Utah)--History--Photographs. 6
+ ∧ less
French 3
German 3
Persian 2
Spanish; Castilian 2
Egyptian (Ancient) 1
∨ more  
Geological Survey (U.S.) 5
College of Eastern Utah 3
Herald Journal (Logan, Utah) 3
Branyan-Broadbent, Brenda 2
Utah State University. Photographic Services. 2
∨ more
Baker, Doran Jay 1
Bioneers (Organization) 1
Blumenfeld, Jeff 1
Buehler, Vernon M., 1919-2014 1
Castner, Dan 1
Christiansen, N. Woodruff (Nels Woodruff), 1893-1955 1
Cunningham, Ann Carman 1
Cunningham, Gerry (Gerald) 1
Day, (Bob). 1
Dunn, Harry DeRoy , 1915-1940 1
Edwards, Bill (William H.) 1
Eller (Gary) 1
Gabbert, Lisa 1
Gardner, Fern 1
Gilbert, Barrie K., 1937- 1
Gilbert, Jack 1
Godfrey, Audrey M., 1935-2022 1
Goodhart, Lynne 1
Grimes, Nancy 1
Hamilton, Bruce 1
Hamilton, Randall 1
Hatch, Anne McQuarrie 1
Hatch, L. Boyd (Lorenzo) 1
Hawken, Paul. 1
Hofinger Folding Kayak Company 1
Hoskins, Ora K., 1906-1983. 1
Koch, Charles A. (Chas) 1
Laursen, LaVon 1
Lawson, LaJean 1
Lee, J. Bracken 1
Lowe, Jeff 1
Marmot Mountain Works 1
McDonald, Steve 1
Middendorf, John, 1959-2024 1
Miera, Laura 1
Miller, Otis Connell 1
Millville Town Board (Utah, United States) 1
Moss, Charles William, 1923-1994 1
Moss, Marilyn 1
Nielsen, Bonnie 1
Nielsen, Reece, 1925-1998 1
Oaks, Robert Q. (Robert Quincy) 1
Purdy, J. H. (John Henry) 1
Richardson, Emily Hammond, 1917-1999 1
Road Runners Club of America 1
Shipps, Jan (Jo Ann Barnett), 1929- 1
Short, C. Brant (Calvin Brant), 1955- 1
Smith, Alice Colton, 1913-2006 1
Spencer, LeGrand Dee, 1910-1991 1
Sykes, Karen, 1943- 1
Teton Phosphate Company 1
Thatcher, Elaine 1
The North Face 1
The School of Natural Learning 1
Theodosakis, Beaver 1
Thomsen, Jim 1
Thunell, John Frederick, 1916-1996 1
Turetsky, Grace Swenson 1
Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) 1
Valvano, Mike 1
Van Epps, Gordon Almon, 1920-2016 1
Wanlass, Kathryn Caine 1
Wave Products 1
Webb, William Seward 1
Wickwar, V. B. (Vincent B.) 1
Wright 1
Wright, Amos Russell, 1840-1915 1
Wright, Catherine Roberts, 1843-1917 1
Wright, Conover 1
Wright, Martha Loella Weaver, 1868-1944 1
Wright, Nancy Johnson, 1934-2004 1
Yeakley, Rhys 1
+ ∧ less